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Common Questions & Answers

Is your product safe for nursing or pregnant women?

Yes, because we use a food-grade & dental-grade hydrogen peroxide base with organic plants & minerals, you will be fine if you swallow a small amount. We require that you get this approved by your OBGYN first, but make sure that they know we are not using any chemicals or preservatives in our whitening gels.

How long will my results last or how often should I get this done?

We cannot guarantee how long the results will last because everyone has a different teeth composition. The average results last 3-6 months.

Will I experience sensitivity?

We can’t guarantee that you won’t experience any sensitivity because it all depends on your hydration. You won’t encounter any sensitivity that is from our gel because we do not use any harsh chemicals or preservatives, but we do encourage you to hydrate really well 24 hours before your appointment because you can experience some sensitivity from dehydrated nerves.

How white will my teeth get?

We can’t guarantee any certain shade because we do not use chemicals to alter your teeth. We simply open your teeth’s pores and whiten stains from 3 layers down. This process will whiten your teeth to your natural stopping point, which is different for everyone. For majority of our clients, we see them achieve 3-8 shades brighter!

How long is the appointment?

Our signature teeth whitening appointment is around 90 minutes. We do three 20-minute sessions all in one appointment, and you leave with your brightest smile.

How old do you have to be to get your teeth whitened?

We have clients 16-73 and have seen amazing results. If you are under 18, we require a legal guardian to sign for consent to have it done. *We do not accept clients under the age of 16!

What are the ingredients in the whitening gel?

Our gel is a proprietary recipe but includes 20% HP, organic aloe, organic grapefruit seed extract, and calcium.

What do I need to do to prepare for my appointment?

Refrain from brushing or flossing your teeth 6 hours prior to your appointment. You may eat or drink anything prior to your appointment. Come to your appointment well-hydrated!

What do I need to know for after my appointment?

Avoid food or drink for 2 hours after your appointment. Start hydrating with water right after your appointment. Avoid any dark colored foods & drinks for at least 24 hrs after your appointment.